wild camel encountered in australian middle of nowhere town... now he looks docile. however, as soon as you rip out the camera like a proper tourist to snap a shot of something you don't see every day, the beast goes mad! well. he started out sorta curious and without an ounce of hesitation he approached the car as it was stopped... then he picked up the pace... snared, grunted and made unspeakable sounds with his lips... and when he got to my passenger window, Alexi (with psychic-like foresight) begins to drive away as the camel lunges toward me.... now i've still got camera in hand and see the beast through the lens and find it all a very special photographic opportunity, however, Hobbs may have saved me from some sort of camel rabies and for this I thank him... and as the car pulls away, in protest, the wild camel with a crazed look in his eye gallops frantically after the car, snaring and drooling... the guy who was tending to the roadhouse we stopped at for the night said "it happens all the time."
Not the most endearing animal, give me a kualar bear any day!
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