Ok, so this is the infamous Red Back Spider. It's part of the same Spider family as the Black Widow. This one is a Juvenile female Red Back, whose bite is dangerous. I've looked it up here: http://www.austmus.gov.au/factsheets/redback.htm ... The thing is.... unbeknownst to Alexi and I this particular spider had set-up house and home underneath my chair at our kitchen table. I noticed the spider when I put my hand slightly below my chair's cushion into the web. Needless to say, it was scary and had I placed my hand about half and inch forward, i would have been in some trouble.... there is antivenom available... so the bite isn't deadly per se... either way i didn't really wanna deal with extreme pain, sweating, muscular weakness, nausea, vomiting.... Another scary thought... how long had this spider been living under there?
You come home right this minute.
These little ----'- really scare me.
I promise if they ever get you, I will avenge your spider bite.
u r born under a good star Samantha none of these creepy crawlies thing will ever hurt you for real! Super Woman rules!
thanx gordon....
and momma, do not worry... i'm still alive and kickin....
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