
see that giant bone on its head? well, that head and that bone came right next to my face. it really only wanted some fruit. i don't think it wanted to hurt anyone although alexi saw things in a bit of a different, panicked light. for example, he threw the pawpaw skin into the back of the van in an attempt to protect us all. (he was acting on good instincts. these birds have been known to attack and severely injure humans with their giant bone and raptor claws on their big feet). this Cassowary however, like many, has seen many humans encroaching on its natural habitat and subsequently is semi-domesticated..... so you see locating and picking the pawpaw bits off of the bed and seat in the back of the van was very amusing.


At 10:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd run away from this one, was this shot with the zoom,
I presume?

At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a very strange visitor at breakfast time, you seem so calm
about it Sam, and was he alone or were there like a family of them nearby

At 2:11 PM, Blogger msryan said...

he was all alone, just hanging out... i think when you panic animals also panic and that's when problems can arise... so ya gotta relax and enjoy the strange, alien-like bird visitor...

At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have got the right attitude girl! and you were proven right!
he just went away right, and you were not hurt at all, I am sure animals have antennas about us animal as well, and i really believe that if you are not threatening you have a pretty good chance that everything will be OK. but still, it is a very peculiar looking bird, first from a distance I thought it was an Ostridge with a funny hat, and I love the colour like a peacock turquoise blue all along his neck and head, fascinating bird!

At 11:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Birds with crazy bones coming out of their heads???? Why am I living out here, that stuff looks too cool.


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